Staff Picks... Our Christmas Wish List

Every year our little elves at Face the Future put together a wish list of their favourite gifts they are hoping to open come Christmas morning. Throw away the Christmas shopping list; we have done the hard work for you. What's more? They are all available to order online or over the phone, packed and parcelled by us to ensure they are delivered to you just in time for the big day. Stress free shopping without having to brave the cold. (P.S. if any of my friends or family are reading this, please look away now).
Kimberley's Choice Olverum Bath Oil
“There is nothing I love more at the end of the day than having a lovely hot soak. I have reoccurring muscle pains from an old injury and I find using a good bath oil really helps to relax me and ease the ache. I've had my eye on Olverum Bath Oil for weeks and have left rather subtle hints for my other half! I hear it works best with wine.Claire's Pick Environ 2016 Christmas Gift Box
“Of course it wouldn't be Christmas without an Environ gift set. Last year my Environ box looked after my post party skin right through until March and I've been waiting 9 months for this year's version to appear under my tree. I'm a big fan of Environ products anyway but this luxury box set is a real treat. I love the Hydrating Oil Capsules. The only downside is finding a hiding place in my bathroom so my boys don't steal it!Julie's Sin Jan Marini Holiday Exfoliator Chocolate Truffle
“The smell alone is enough to want this product. If like me you love your little luxury spa products but still want the benefit of great skincare, then this is for you. I treat myself every year to Jan Marini's Holiday Exfoliator but this year's has to be my favourite so far. I use it twice a week to prep my skin for Christmas and New Year.Lucy Wants Dirtea Organic Diamond Scrub
“Christmas is a time to shine and a diamond scrub facial is the perfect pick me up, at-home treatment I can have whilst clinic is closed for the holidays. It helps to remove toxins from the body (alcohol intoxication is most likely this month) and gently exfoliates the skin to leave it feeling fresh and glowing just in time for the party season.Suzie's Selection Medik8 Dark Eyes
“After finally waving goodbye to my glasses last month and becoming a contact lens wearer, I have unfortunately started to notice fine lines and a few dark circles (the result of having two kids and a husband around the house). After seeing the new and updated mineral light reflecting formula in Medik8 Dark Eyes, I had to pick this as my number one.
And for me? Well, all of the above of course!
Written for you by: Emily, Face the Future