Clinic News: DMK in The Skin Games

Clinic News: DMK in The Skin Games

When it comes to clinical treatments, there's nothing quite like Danne Montague-King. Their innovative techniques provide exceptional results in a wide range of skin concerns, including acne, pigmentation and age management. It seems their hard work has been rewarded as DMK have been invited to take part in The Skin Games, an international competition showcasing the best skin practitioners in the world. This is not only a first for DMK, but also for the UK, so it's great to get behind one of our favourite brands.

DMK have transformed my skin. A combination of the enzyme facials and home care prescriptives has completely cleared my skin of breakouts and it's now far less oily than before. As their products and treatments help us and so many of our clients, it would be great if we could all get behind them and show our appreciation by supporting them in this challenge. Simply head to The Skin Games YouTube Channel and hit 'like' on the five DMK treatment videos.

If you're yet to try the DMK range, here is just one amazing example of the results

Carlos, aged 43, suffered a terrible bike accident in August 2015, leaving him with a broken collar bone and a metal plate inserted into his shoulder until November 2016. The surgery to remove this plate left a large, visible scar. Carlos visited the DMK practitioner Susanne Williams, who has been using the Scar Revision techniques and achieved fantastic results in a few short months. You can read more on Carlos's story here.fetch-UID-For more information on how DMK treatments can transform your skin, call our clinic on 0113 282 3300.

Written for you by: Ellie, Face the Future

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